Yeonnam Bangagan 연남방앗간 Local & Craft OS
Korean food select shop for fnb creators
Yeonnam Bangagan is a Korean fnb select shop that reinterpreted the mill, which used to be a local community space, in a modern way. It selectively introduces healthy Korean food made by local craftsmen in a space of quietness.
The act of eating and drinking means more than appreciating taste. Not only does it fills the body with nutrients and makes it possible to understand the long time and people's story that composes the food, it also becomes a medium for connnecting people through sharing.
Yeonnam Bangagan connets local merchants and customers through local food, providing a more diverse fnb experience by grafting eating&drinking activities into the content. Like the sparrows gathering in mills, it hopes to become a space where local residents and creators can harmonize together.
Space Yeonnam main branch, Alleyway Gwanggyo, Culture Station Seoul 284
Lifestyle Creator Deokhwa salted pollack roe, iiin Jeju, Rieul Kim, eert, Magpie and tiger and etc
Business Partner Hyundai Card, Yakult Korea