Urban Chamber of Commerce  Art & Design OS

Seoul Biennale of Urban Architecture 

The "Urban Chamber of Commerce" is a forward-thinking market brand that reinvents the values held by Urbanpaly, an urban content company, as curated by creators working in various urban spaces. The first "Urban Chamber" sheds light on the value of renewal and is designed to evoke the meaning of renewal as objects and tastes change over time in the Sewoon Shopping Center, a hub of spatial renewal. This market is filled with a diverse range of products that align with the themes of "Revival of Value" and "Revival of Taste". Experience the unique perspectives and sensitivities of urban creators as they bring new life to the value and taste of urban spaces.

#Revival of Value
You will come across an array of products that have regained worth through innovative utilisation, such as upcycling wares and environmentally conscious items. 

#Resurrection of taste
You will find items that have become popular once again under the newtro trend, such as analogue film cameras, vintage fashion, and classical artwork. 

#Discovery of Gourmet
We have arranged an extensive range of culinary delights to tantalise your taste buds, ensuring that your market experience is thoroughly enjoyable.

Date 2019. 10. 5. ~ 2019. 10. 6. 2019. 11. 2. ~ 2019. 11. 3.

Location: Sewoon Shopping Center 3rd Floor Walking Deck

Played with Seoul Metropolitan Government, Seoul Design Foundation, Urbanpaly

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© URBANPLAY All right Reserved

Urbanplay Co.

CEO Ju Seok Hong | Registration Number. 105-87-96063
22, Yeonhui-ro 5-gil, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul

(Yeonnamjang, 2-3F)

TEL. +82 02-3141-7977 | FAX. +82 02-6008-4735

© URBANPLAY All right Reserved

Urbanplay Co. 

CEO Ju Seok Hong 
Company Registration Number.105-87-96063
22, Yeonhui-ro 5-gil, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul (Yeonnamjang, 2-3F)  | TEL. +82 02-3141-7977 │ FAX. +82 02-6008-4735